Crowns (Caps)

Dental Crowns (Caps)
for Patients in the Abilene, Tuscola, Buffalo Gap, Potosi, Clyde, Breckenridge, Brownwood, and Sweetwater, TX Areas

One of the most common ways to restore a tooth to its original size and shape is with a crown or cap. This is a covering placed over the surface of your tooth to replicate its original size and shape, as well as protect and strengthen the tooth. Crowns and caps are typically made of porcelain and designed to match the original color of your tooth.

With dental crowns or caps, you can feel comfortable knowing you have a solution to problems like a broken tooth or decayed teeth. While a crown or cap won’t last forever, it can restore your tooth to its original shape for several years before it needs to be replaced.

Why Get a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns serve multiple essential functions. The reasons for your crown might differ from someone else's. Whether you need a crown for cosmetic or medical reasons, it can be an effective solution to a variety of potential issues. Here are some of the reasons that your dentist might choose to install a dental crown:


  • Protection: If you have weak, broken, decaying, or fractured teeth, a dental crown can help prevent further breakage or hold together parts of a cracked tooth.
  • Cosmetic Enhancement: If you have misshapen or severely discolored teeth, dental crowns can help address imperfections to improve your smile and upgrade your confidence level.
  • Smile Restoration: A dental crown can restore a broken or severely worn down tooth to restore your smile's natural appearance.
  • Large Fillings: In some cases, an older filling might be too large and therefore less secure. A dental crown can replace the filling so it looks better and provides additional security. Dental crowns can also effectively cover root canals.
  • Additional Support: All dental bridges include at least one dental crown; they are usually placed on each side of the prosthetic tooth or teeth to provide additional stability and keep the bridge in place. 

If you think you might need a dental crown, our local cosmetic dentistry office is here to help. Contact our office in Abilene today to learn more or schedule a consultation!

Call Our Cosmetic Dentistry Office Today to Schedule an Appointment!


The dental office of Robert R. Hawley, DDS, FACP may recommend patients to get a crown or cap if they come to us with broken or fractured teeth, as well as decayed teeth or problems with their existing tooth fillings. When scheduling work for a crown or cap, we will first have patients come in to have an impression done, which will be used to custom create their crown. A temporary mold will be created for you to wear until your new crown is finished and ready to be fitted to your tooth at your next appointment. 


The first appointment to have your crown placed will include the numbing of your tooth, followed by the removal of decay and reshaping of the surface to fit the crown. We will then place the temporary crown using cement and do a check of your new bite. When you come back for the second appointment, the temporary crown will be removed so the new, permanent one can be placed, secured, and double checked. 


Contact our dental office in Abilene, TX for questions about the process of creating a crown or cap and how it can help you enjoy a better smile and restore the function of your teeth. Our board-certified prosthodontist is proud to serve and support patients across Tuscola, Buffalo Gap, Potosi, Clyde, Breckenridge, Brownwood, Sweetwater, TX, and the surrounding areas.


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